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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

@Snowie I don’t even know why I feel miserable, I just do. I got through today feeling okay, that extra caffeine helped me concentrate a bit better and feel better. I guess it’s just expected to experience a dip eventually.

I’m sorry to hear that your morning was rough. I’m here if you want to chat 💖🫂

Re: My special place

@Snowie I think I’m beginning to have a body flashback, maybe that’s why I feel shit rn

Re: My special place

Here with you through your body flashbacks @creative_writer 

Does anything help with them?

I think the less I say on here the better at the moment.



Re: My special place

@Snowie I find distracting myself helps with taking the focus off. I’m feeling almost normal now.

I’m hope you’re doing okay 💖🫂. Are you worried of saying too much in case it’s not aligned with new community guidelines?

Re: My special place

I'm glad that you are feeling better @creative_writer It's good that you can distract yourself.


I'm just worried all around. About the guidelines, if I say too much, the consequences, what I'm doing.

Re: My special place

@Snowie I feel like dinner can be quite distracting in itself when you’re with others. We got middle eastern takeaway. I’m feeling rather stiff and achy right now, but I can take the physical pain.

I totally get that, I hope we are able to get clarity around the new guidelines soon, I feel like many members are worried, I hope SANE is able to come with a resolution that protects everyone on the forums but still allows it to be a safe place to talk about things

Re: My special place

I hope it was yummy @creative_writer I'm glad you had your family around and that it helps.


I just don't want to be that person.




Re: My special place

@Snowie it helps to have them around at times. Other times it gets exhausting pretending. Dinner was good.

Do you think reaching out to a helpline would help?

Re: My special place

I agree @creative_writer Sometimes it helps, other times it is exhausting just pretending like everything is ok.


I've already done that. Hubby is finally home now so that will help. 


Re: My special place

@Snowie it shows a lot of strength to reach out. I hope you did find it helpful. I hope spending some time with H helps relieves some of the tension đź’–đź«‚
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