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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24  do you ever paint your nails???

Re: I can’t cope

I am sitting outside in the not very warm sun @tyme @Bow.


It was suggested to me on the call.


At least everything is inside so it gives me space. 

No I don’t paint my nails @Bow. I am not very girly. I don’t even own any nail polish, my makeup is all out of date, can’t remember the last time I had my eyebrows waxed, no dresses or skirts. The only thing I do do is get my hair done. It hasn’t been done for over 6 months but I am having it don’t Monday. The only thing I do if I’m going anywhere is straighten my hair and wear it out. Other than that it’s just in a ponytail! 

Re: I can’t cope

Join the club @Captain24 ! I can't be bothered with 'girly' stuff' (not sure how else to put it)... I reckon i'd go pyjamas and oodies all day every day if I could.


I'm glad you are getting some fresh air outside. 


@Bow , are you outdoors or indoors at the moment ?



Re: I can’t cope

I don’t cook or bake either @tyme @Bow. I did have a guy at work ask why I didn’t bake. I asked him did he. He said ‘no. But my wife does’ I told him I don’t have a wife! Never questioned me again! 

It is nice out here. Both dogs are running around and enjoying themselves. 

Did you watch the webinar @tyme?

Re: I can’t cope

Yes @Captain24 ! I did. It was great in terms of being so easy to follow and understand. It made so much sense. I got a lot out of it actually. She was so calm and it was as though her experiences were so 'normal', that is it's okay to have these struggles. It was great 🙂 i'll go back and watch it again.


I have to go now, but what do you feed your dogs?


I bought this Science Diet dog food for Ruby today. Do you know if it's good? It's a dark green packet and really expensive

Re: I can’t cope

I want to watch it again too @tyme. I hope I can speak like that. 

Pixie eats prime 100 log. 

Jett has Prime 100 slow cooked and advanced puppy kibble. 

Science diet is a really good brand. You de get what you pay for with dog food. In saying that though the Prime 100 seem to be good value. 

Talk tomorrow 

Re: I can’t cope

I’ve had to come inside. It’s way too cold out there now. It did do me a lot of good being out there. 

Inside is close to everything though. It could be a long hard difficult night. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24, nice to hear you have come inside where it's warmer!


You are really demonstrating your strength and resilience today by reaching out to the Forums community. I encourage you to contact crisis support services early if you need their support.


Please continue to keep us updated and stay connected with your peers.


Take care



Re: I can’t cope

Ive ironed my pj’s and packed them. Thats all I’ve done. But I guess it’s a start. 


Its really difficult at the moment. 

Re: I can’t cope

You’d be a step ahead of me @Captain24 ! I don’t iron my pjs, I’d just throw them in my bag. And at the moment I’m currently wearing trackies, a long nighty and a sleep jumper! I look hot! 😂😂😂 but whatever keeps me warm and comfy really.  I have a number of pairs of Peter Alexander pjs, but they are way too thin for winter. 

can you make a list @Captain24 ? Simple list. So you can work your way through it when things are difficult. 

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