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Re: not coping

Oh hun @outlander . Thanks for letting us know. I was getting worried as I hadn't heard from you. I'm sorry to hear recovery is taking longer than expected. I remember you saying it was day surgery. Have you got your supports organised, and everything you need? 


Please know I'm thinking of you.

Re: not coping

It was suppose to be day surgery @tyme but when they got in there they had to do more work then expected but it’s looking like I’m going home today. I had a better night pain and sleep wise so the nurses are hopeful the Dr will discharge me today when they do the rounds shortly.
I have some supports organised and everything I need is fairly organised.
I done a lot of bulk cooking etc beforehand so I have dinner and easy lunches.
It’s a struggle to get up, down, walk sit do anything really so there will be a lot of resting for a few days

Re: not coping

Hope you are okay hun @outlander . Are you looking after yourself and resting up? 

Re: not coping

hey @tyme
im ok. the pain medications make me really tired but i had a visit from a work colleague so that was nice of them to stop in on their way home from work.
its hard to sit or stand at the moment. the multiple healing sites are all over my abdomen so its making it tough to do anything really

Re: not coping

I'm glad you got a visit. That's so kind of them. I hope you get some good rest. @outlander 

Re: not coping

im resting now @tyme just made a toastie for dinner with a cup of tea and chatting on the forums for abit before i get to tired again.
how are you going? i appreciate the check ins youve been doing

Re: not coping

I'm pretty okay. Just getting a few things done I guess @outlander 

Re: not coping

do you have any plans for the weekend? @tyme

Re: not coping

Hey @outlander , not really at the moment. Just focusing on maintaining my physical health in the attempt to boost my mental health 🙂


I guess you are just resting? Are you able to watch anything or do you have anything planned that you can do while recuperating?

Re: not coping

yeah im hearing you. gotta look after all aspects of health hey! @tyme
yeah im just resting. im not allowed to drive or anything for 2 weeks either so stuck at home unless i go out with a support worker or catch a lift with someone. moving around is to much though so im ok with being at home.
i have some scrapbooking supplies, colouring books, a new game boy and some small diamond arts to do while recovering.
ive got a new netflix account that i saved all the movies i havent seen yet but want to watch and going to watch some of those.
do you have any movie or tv show reccomendations?