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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

@Snowie glad to hear H is a safe person for you, it helps. Sometimes we do need to get out even though it is hard at times

Re: My special place

Yeah. I agree with @creative_writer , at least he's your security blanket. 


I'm pretty independent, but it makes me think what things will be like when I'm older.

Re: My special place

@creative_writer @tyme I think he can tell when I'm going to loose it in public and go into panic mode.

I will go up the street without him, but any where else, normally with him.

Re: My special place

Just had a message from my psych. She is sick and has cancelled tomorrow's appointment 😔

At least she messaged me, better than the SW. I know she can't help it but really needed that appt. Had already written down some things. Now another 2 week wait 😢

Re: My special place

@Snowie sorry to hear about the psych appointment, it is true life happens. You can always reach out to a helpline like SANE if you need someone to talk. Holding the space for you 💖🫂

Re: My special place

@Snowie  Sorry to hear about your psych cancelling 😢 2 weeks is ages when you're in need 😣


@Snowie wrote:

@NatureLover I am meant to have another 7 sessions with him. I don't think I will bother.

He has done more damage, I don't think I can deal with it anymore.

I think you should sack him. He's a rotten SW. No suppport at all. 


Sorry to hear you had people at your door after calling LL 😢


Hope you are coping dear @Snowie 💙

Re: My special place

Hi @NatureLover I hope your day is going ok hon.


Managed to get up the street today. Went with D to get my nails done. Did it at the time when I was meant to see my psych today. Thought it might be good timing, instead of just sitting at home annoyed that it got cancelled. I think it helped.


Now on the couch under my weighted blanket with my oodie and heater on. So so cold here! I shouldn't complain, when we go to the snow it will be even colder!!

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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