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Re: Masks, anxiety, panic, therapy

It is hard because it is so important to go to therapy.  My therapist has a medical condition so I had to wear a mask.  The surgical mask I was wearing broke in the middle of one of my therapy sessions.  So embarasing, I went hot and cold and couldn't fix it.. Anyway, my therapist was good about it and nothing happened.  We keep the windows open when possible, it is a new thing. Persist,  perhaps practice in front of a mirror to see how you look.  PErhaps get in touch with your practice and explain that it is hard. I take a couple of spares in the car now. 

Re: Masks, anxiety, panic, therapy

Thanks so much for the support @Mathew76 @MDT @WIP @JennAly  and everyone. 
I ended up deciding to drive to the office in the hopes of getting a message on the way that it was ok to not wear it there and I did. Which was both relief and more anxiety because then I was so flustered not knowing what I was going to do if I didn't hear anything. And then the session was rough. Not in a bad way, like she was bad or anything, just the content. And now I'm exhausted and I don't know what to do with what was said. 
It's off topic of the original thread I know but how can something that's supposed to help be so painful. I feel like I won't survive this.

Re: Masks, anxiety, panic, therapy

Hey @destructive 


Sounds like youve had a really big day. Sometimes we can feel tremendously drained and vulnerable after a therapy session and may be left with some really heavy and uncomfortable feelings. I am really glad you are here sharing that with us. 


If you feel you may need to reach out for some further support this evening, please feel free to give the SANE Help Centre a call 1800 18 7263 (open until 10pm) or Lifeline 13 11 14 (24/7).


Take care of yourself this evening Heart

Re: Masks, anxiety, panic, therapy

Evening @destructive
Can you do something for yourself this evening?

Re: Masks, anxiety, panic, therapy

Thanks @MDT and @Former-Member 

I ended up crashing before 8pm but then woke at 11 and couldn't get back to sleep because my mind was spinning. It wasn't all bad, therapist did try something different with helping me stay grounded and it actually did, so that's good. 
She did say she would like me to come weekly (2x weekly even) but that's not something I can afford. Currently I go about fortnightly amd it's such a struggle but I do find it's hard in between.

Re: Masks, anxiety, panic, therapy

Have you got an MHCP ? @destructive

Re: Masks, anxiety, panic, therapy

Yeah @MDT it’s still like $75 gap though which is a lot.

Re: Masks, anxiety, panic, therapy

Yeah I wish it was cheaper too @destructive
I don't see how they justify the cost.
But I hope you still get help

Re: Masks, anxiety, panic, therapy

@MDT  I'm still grateful. Although it's a drip in the bucket of what I need I know we're lucky in Australia to even have that. And I feel for psychs. Fees are like that because their overheads are so high. Most really want to help everyone but then they have professional registrations, insurances and rent ect to cover. 

Re: Masks, anxiety, panic, therapy

This covid things is more than a virus it effects every little thing we do. If face mask stop the spread than why do we have to isolate?.It's times like this we need much more help and understanding from the government that a lock down or border closure. We need to be able to get help with a real person face to face not over the phone. I suffer from asthma and couldn't wear one even if it's mandatory as I would panic and have an attack. Luck I'm in WA but in a few weeks we are going to be in trouble and masks are going to be mandatory. Stay strong get help. Stuff the lockdown your health is way to important.

@TideisTurning wrote:

Hi @destructive, that sounds really tough, also that it's impacting the psychology sessions you go to, which it sounds like are really needed right now. I'm wondering if there's some sort of telehealth option you might be able to access, like a video or phone call so you can access psyhcology from home? San