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Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24  Did you manage to get to sleep last night? 


I was amazed to hear it was -3 overnight up there and also that you do have days in the single digits! I guess you would find those extra cold as you love extreme heat! 


@Captain24 wrote:

But there are times when it’s just all too hard and I don’t want to.

Yes, I bet. I hope your work goes well today... 

Re: I can’t cope

I got to sleep around 2 @NatureLover. Then Jett decided he needed to go to the toilet 3 times. I’m exhausted. 

It gets really cold here. Sometimes when I finish work in the morning after a nightshift it can be -6. If we have any of those this year I’ll take a photo of the temp on my car. Yes I hate it!! I’m freezing now it’s 8 degrees. 

Work went ok. Ive totally had enough though. Ive lost my passion for it. Maybe it’ll come back. I think if it does it’ll help my MH a little. 

How are things with you? 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 ,


COLLLLDDDD! Yes it is!


I wonder if it's time to pursue your next career?

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @tyme.


Did you sleep better last night? 

It’s only going to get colder! I don’t like it. 😢 

Maybe but it’s a double edged sword. I need my MH to be in a good place to be able to find something similar, but while I’m going the way I’m going it’s not helping my MH. 

There are changes happening though. I have been moved to be under a different boss. Not the one that only sees me as bipolar girl. It doesn’t happen overnight but I do think I will be better looked after. I just need to ride this wave out. I’ve got 7 weeks until I go away for 3 weeks then I’m back for 6 weeks and go away again, not to hospital the second time. 


Re: I can’t cope

Ooooo @Captain24 .


Sleep? I slept better last night, but I did something silly this morning. I took my night meds in the morning accidentally so I've been under a cloud all day. I'm not tired, I'm not not tired... I'm just sort of flat because of the meds lol.


Oh well. It's not the first time. I have a blister pack with the date and time to take each one, but I just take the wrong thing. I only realised after  i took it.


I hope things are better with the new boss. Yeah, sometimes you just gotta ride the wave.


How's Jett?

Re: I can’t cope

I’m glad you slept better and none of that 3 am thing from the night before! @tyme 


You can’t undo it once it’s done. What are you going to do tonight? They did that to a girl when I was in hospital. She looked really sad and everyone kept asking her if she was ok. She just said that she was really tired. It wasn’t until it was time for night meds that they discovered it! The same EN nearly stuffed mine up too.


Jett is in a lot of pain and I think we have hurt him. We are taking him to the vet tomorrow just to be double checked. Not sure if he’s is hurt or just being a sook. He is a sook so it’s hard to know. I really hope he is ok. I’m scared and have been praying so much that he is ok. 

They are staying with mum until I finish Wednesday morning. It’s very lonely sitting here without them. It was odd to come home to an empty house. Mum said Pix was ready to come home at the usual time and didn’t understand what was going on. 


Re: I can’t cope

awwww, poor things. @Captain24 . I hope Jett will be okay. Poor thing. It's so hard to watch your baby in pain.


Pix must be so confused. I'm glad you mum is looking after them. That's kind of them. How's your dad nowadays?

Re: I can’t cope

My anxiety is through the roof. Stressing over Jett is sending it higher. @tyme.


Im talking shallow breathing, constantly trying to take deep breaths, chest pain, trembling and no focus. Its pretty severe

Dad is doing well. He doesn’t need a hip replacement now. 

It is good that they have them. It saves leaving Jett alone to long between me leaving for work and them picking them up. Pix has had nearly 5 years of this routine and she is very routine oriented so she will be really put out. She does

live if at mum and dads so she will be fine. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @tyme.


With this issue of not all notifications

coming through. Do you pass that on or do we have to log it somewhere? 

Re: I can’t cope

Is it still happening? If so, I'll log it tonight @Captain24