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Re: I can’t cope

Oh yep! I knew I needed to do it all week… was dreading it @Captain24 

Re: I can’t cope

All done now @Captain24 , @Bow 🙂


Can't do my lawn as it is raining and they say it is going to rain all this week 

Re: I can’t cope

They have finally stopped fighting over the bone, they have stopped hassling me and are having a nap @tyme. Even though they are lying on me.

Hahaha are you house sitting alone tonight? I couldn't do what you do.. You are so good to them. 

So no regrets…


It has been busy. I think my meds have started to work again. I am managing to be able to do some stuff. My mood is still really bad though. The thoughts and urges are really strong. 



Re: I can’t cope

Did the doc ask you to stop the meds in the first place? @Captain24 I don't recall.

Re: I can’t cope

Ummm.. no. No one told me to stop them @tyme. I just did. There is still one more to go back on but the ED doc said to wait until I had my GP’s supervision before restarting it. 

I have had many lectures on stopping them and I still haven’t seen my Pdoc. I’m sure I’ll hear a lot from her. 

Re: I can’t cope

Oh... not to be an authoritarian, but was there a reason you just stopped them? No need to answer if you don't want to. @Captain24 

Re: I can’t cope

I didn’t grist myself to take them in the correct amounts so I just stopped altogether. @tyme Plus I stopped smoking just before it. 

I’ve been in massive withdrawals. 

Re: I can’t cope

You actually stopped smoking? Congrats! I thought you wanted to, but didn't end up doing it @Captain24 


That's certainly a big shift on the body.


I wonder if you can have staged dispensing of medication? That's what I still have. Gets delivered to my house every fortnight.

Re: I can’t cope

56 days ago I stopped @tyme. It’s been really hard.


Everyone says it gets easier but I’m still struggling with the urge. I thought maybe once my meds started to work it would make it easier but it hasn’t. Plus I know they haven’t fully kicked in. 

No one has suggested it. Maybe it’s something I can ask. The pharmacy I go to is amazing. 




Re: I can’t cope

I used to only be allowed 3 days of meds at a time. I had to go and get them every three days. Thank goodness it was a 24/7 chemist. @Captain24 


When you stop them suddenly, it takes longer to get back to what it was before. 


I can see that your body is going through a lot of changes.. no wonder things have been extraordinarily hard!


You are amazing to have gone through all that.