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Understanding OCD

Somewhere, OCD has become the most misused or misrepresented word in the field of Mental health; rather than considering it as a mental health disorder that is characterized by a cycle of behavior, it is linked to someone being a neat freak or someone who washes hands often. People need to understand that this is a disorder characterized by persistent thoughts- obsessions, and repetitive acts- compulsions that are performed to reduce distress. OCD doesn't always involve cleanliness or neatness and is not a personality trait. 


Re: Understanding OCD

Hey @heera72, thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with the community!


I agree there is a lot of misunderstanding in the community around mental health diagnosis. And liberal uses of terms that are often used incorrectly. It's hard to feel like you need to educate people in the community when struggling with your own MH.

