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Re: Tabalugas

didnt I tell you about that cooled down cooked potato starch thing for NALD ? think I did @Former-Member ..can even reheat it , still works..


Reheating your food will NOT destroy the resistant starch as long as the temperature does not exceed 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, adding an acidic dressing such as some type of vinegar to the rice or potatoes cooked in this fashion seems to also help enhance the resistant starch content and formation.

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Re: Tabalugas

Never heard of it @TAB I think I'll keep baking my sweet potato treats going by that study! I used to have non-alcoholic fatty liver and my GP was going to do a liver scan last year.  I could not wake up late enough to go without food and water (which is required by the liver scan) I usually wake up much earlier and going without water or food for several hours would not be do-able. The last bloodwork said I no longer had a fatty liver - it did not come up on the tests thankfully. So my liver is in better shape. I suspect it was caused by my medications.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

well, so long as sweet potato has long chain resistant starch and has been cooled I guess. @Former-Member  pretty left field, but medically proven. 

another one for kidneys from a long time ago was sprouts. 


both of these studies were done in Germany. they like to believe in homoepathic stuff there, not just pharmaceuticals like US etc

funny, now Google sprouts are bad for kidneys, doubt it.

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Re: Tabalugas

Yes so unusual but yes obviously it seems to work, so much better than a pharmaceutical for fatty liver @TAB. I have heard that sprouts are a great preparedness food but haven't heard anything about benefits to kidney function. But they are full of micronutrients and are a bit of a nutritional powerhouse so in times of scarcity sprouts can be a reliable food source. I have a sprouting device as well as some sprouts. I need to buy more sprouting seeds. So much cheaper than buying sprouts from supermarket!

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

the sprouts thing was over 20 years ago, google makes stuff up these days well, it just puts up highest payer first and highest payer says sproouts are poison lolo @Former-Member Google is poison

Re: Tabalugas

@TAB @Former-Member @Meowmy @StuF @greenpea 


Just chilling on the couch with the cat! Watching boring stuff on tv. Want to go out and do something but nowhere to go and no money to spend. Guess stuck here.



Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

nearly signed up to kayo to watch 1 game of BBL @Oaktree  my broadband not up to it and most games free to air so decided not to. bit depressing. 

Thats nice re cat.

was thinking drive to supermarket thats open 30ks away, but storm coming, plus if go tomorrow morning prob better idea all round . prob should get rain stuff that I never use and go for a walk re being at loose end here as well  lol 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

Bit of a loose end here @TAB @Oaktree too


Saturday night, hey?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

..tell me about it @StuF  going to go for walk no matter how short lol

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Re: Tabalugas

Yeah exactly, its one of the reasons I don't use google @TAB Have been with the brave search engine. But yeah sprouts can be good in times of scarcity - learned that from a food technologist who knows all the misinformation and scamming that goes on with online information. You don't get much off google