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Re: Good Morning!

Iv been tagging you hoping your around.


I had to go and get divorced and live my own life after divorced. 

Today I'm a 2 married hussy with a big smile 😁

Still live in overalls. Are you still near Freo ? I'm in Subi. 


Tell me stuff what's happening if you have the energy ?? 💘 



Re: Good Morning!

Hi @PeppyPatti Sounds like you had an interesting time growing up.

I didn't so much hate school as being scared of it, & utterly miserable (going to school).

It's a MH organisationed called Neami, with one of their centres in Joondalup.

It's supposed to be a MH Support Program (no course) -

With participants given a MH Support Worker, to work with on achieving goals.

Plus Group Activities on different days of the week, each with a different Topic or Activity.

Since exercising my right to ask for a different Support Worker (According to their Charter of Rights), over 3 weeks ago -

- The Supervisor simply refused to give me a new Support Worker, & left me with none instead (withdrew the one I had).

I had experience working with that Support Worker (person) from about 19 months ago - So I knew that I cannot work with him, there was no point in continuing.

In fact that guy scares me & gives me the creeps, though I never told them that.

There is nothing to report, as there has been no communication between that Supervisor & myself for the past 3 weeks - Since he refused to find me a new Support Worker.

I have attended their Monday Mindfulness & Meditation Group a few times (I like that Group) - Yet it seems rather pointless.

As the Support Worker Appointments (fortnightly) plus Group attendance are Supposed to be linked together.

Cannot do one without the other (the Supervisor said) - Though in the short-term, they've let me continue to attend the Group (with no Support of course).




Re: Good Morning!

Osborne Park Dodgy ? It just IKEA and big Harvey Norman that makes it dodgy they are so big. And possibly very big Margeret Court's church. The tennis player…. Your poor Dad @TAB My Mum was born in 1942. WE have no idea how people lived through the War. I went on a Kibbutz in 1990 I think…….

Re: Good Morning!









Just living my life here……. 


@Adge  Can you see someone in the building that you understand the rigmaroles of the sessions but possibly you have been overlooked? 


It feels like the people who are leading Neami are not crossing their i and underlining their Qs.


Once I saw a Psychiatrist on West Perth and it was bulk billing but he didn’t write it down or something and the financial woman in the office used to ring me and abuse me and scream and shriek that I didn’t pay on time so I send him cards asking him to just have a chat with her. After about 3 phone-calls where I was screamed at for not paying me bill she rang and begged and begged me for  her abuse,


I just acted my usual, Oh, okay, what are you apologising for again ??

It felt good. 



Re: Good Morning!

Rite of passage? Not me. I was busy living my very small little life. 

Mr Rocker would ave but.


My friend came over for an hour I used to go to High school with her and she came back years later and apologised for the bullying. Wow. 


Then found out how tough her life was. Jeepers………It was good seeing her. She met someone online and they are very happy together. 

I’m so green I’m still trying to get my head around that my oldest son met someone online, they look exactly the same except she’s female and Asian whilst he is Caucasian. 

I’m dreaming of babies. 


Living my life here without my exhusband calling me incessantly……



Re: Good Morning!

@PeppyPatti  Have you thought about journaling?

I use journaling as a tool to reflect and work through emotions.

Some things take time to unpack.


Re: Good Morning!

well, person who was dodgy said it was. plus its down the road fm Scarborough and Greenwood(?)  guess if it wasnt dodgy she couldnt have lived there. 

mum was born in 1931 but didnt leave aust til her 50s ok for hols. her father died when she was 3 and she was eldest  of 3 , no dole, no pension. the church and mother teaching piano lessons kept them in fried bread and dripping  lolz..

Father came here in late 1950s @PeppyPatti  depends what your eyes see re 'dodgy' burbs.

Re: Good Morning!

Are you interested doing ancestry  @TAB 


I'm getting one end of this month. Your family sounds very interesting 


My grandma on mum's side Jewish in Hungary. 

She paid for me to go to Israel when I was 19. I was not kind to her and my grandpa I did not thank her. I thought they hated me for sending me there. .....


Re: Good Morning!

Why @Glisten ? 

Yes, iv a journal, 



Re: Good Morning!

@PeppyPatti  @TAB  Osborne Park was originally populated by suburban farming migrant families. You only have to drive the length of Main Street to see the changes.

I lived in Nollamara for 3 years. In that time it changed from being a “dodgy” suburb, to now being called the new North Perth.