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Re: Good Morning!

Thanks heaps @Appleblossom 🌺 just laying here while it’s breathing for me, not sleeping yet… wondering if the pricey polished turd of a thing will randomly quit. 


Re: Good Morning!

Hello and hugs @Former-Member , @Appleblossom 😃

Re: Good Morning!


Our hearts 

Re: Good Morning!


Volunteering will be in the local Lifeline book store 🙂

Re: Good Morning!

Thankyou for reply @saturnzoon & positive wishes re: meds. 


I read your story about your youngest son & you have my sympathy. I don't have any children - I have furry ones, but I think they look after me.


I am sorry you are going through this. Things will get better.


When we were kids, we would pick flowers from neighbours gardens! Maybe your son could make you a gift? A 'pre-gift' until $$?


I think it is lovely that he wants to get you a present. 


I forget about what it is like for parents. I cannot give enough kudos, to all the good parents out there, raising children, whilst trying to manage, cope with all our struggles.


I am sending you some of my strength, & your little boy. How old is he? I am guessing around 10, or 11? ( Obv. plz don't reply if too personal)


I love kids. Life didn't work out for me that way. I am 46, or 47 I'm not sure - likely 46

I think it is far too late for me now. Perhaps in my next life, I will get to experience the joy - highs & lows of motherhood, or fatherhood!


Wishing you & son (s?) A reversal of fortune. I love how you said that @StuF .

Thankyou too for your empathy re: meds. It is a stress, I really don't need. I will make it with what I have - it feels scary, because what if I have a meltdown? And I needed more? It is really the first thing that quells my horrible anxiety. I am on more meds than I have ever been - all basically for anxietys / trauma. The C B D , is the the first time I have had instant relief. It doesn't take it away, though, I can function - very limited.


I am excited too for your volunteer work. What are you doing? If you feel safe to share. Plz don't disclose if not comfortable. I am making up in my head, that you are working at Salvos 1 or 2 days a week. (Because my local Salvos has a sign wanting volunteers)


Oh Hello @Shaz51 good morning hugs are a good morning. Arvo hug for you x 


@PeppyPatti your reply was very nice. Thankyou.

I am so happy that you were able to buy book. That is awesome price. I paid around $20. I need tactile. I can't read - not learnt yet - to feel comfortable with kindle or what have you. I hope you find benefit from it. I think it is so well written - none of the 'fluffy' hard to understand - straight forward & I consider readable dirt person like me.


@creative_writer @MDT I had an idea, maybe we can start a book thread? For anyone reading the C-PTSD book? 


I have notes on my whiteboard, that I thought were directly relevant. I am only on page 25 - slow reader. 


Off-topic, curiously Since I started reading again, I can only read, if I say it out loud. 


It might be nice to have support from others? And, interesting how differently we interpret different subjects etc. @Appleblossom @saturnzoon 


and anyone else who is interested?


Or forget, I mentioned it🦄 idk - for me, it sounds good to have a 'book club' (I have never had one) & opposingly - internet sucks away so much of my day.


Oh @StuF I see, Lifeline bookstore. I didn't know that was a thing - I will look it up. I think it's awesome, I love hearing positive stories. Very cool. Lifeline have been invaluable resource for me. I thought it was only for ppl who were suicidal, (& I have discussed this) - I was informed, they are there for me, if I am dissociating, or any reason really.


@creative_writer you wrote a beautiful paragraph - I have to go back & find it - darn, I cannot find it. I thought it was you. 


Good to hear from you @Appleblossom - I don't know what is going on for you, I hope you are ok - you made effort to reply to me! I am here for you, in whatever way that is possible. Oh - the flat tyre! Next thing, I open the boot to get the spare. There is no Jack! Well, half a jack. That is when I said to myself 'nope - f++K this.' - I am going to knock on neighbours door & ask for help. He is a lovely man, with family & a happens to be mechanic.


I asked politely could he please help me change my spare. He did it straight away. And ....... The most kindest gift - he gave me his jack. It looks brand new, & exxy - I kept saying, no, I couldn't take it, he wanted to give it to me.


Funny, I forgot all about that part of the story, until now.


Ok, I am saned out. Thankyou  so much if you read all of this. I really hope I didn't miss anyone - if I did - oops.




@TAB (ex roomie ☹️) thanks for letting me crash on your couch for so long. You are good friend. I will no doubt be back for a cuppa , or a scotch, very soon xx





Re: Good Morning!

Too cute @StanD  good luck w reading. Well done w jack lol. Few weeks back saw a car being driven on a flat tyre . Makes so much noise must have desperate to get somewhere..

Re: Good Morning!

Hiya @StanD 


Wishing you the strength to get through with your meds. Is it "ironic" that the thing that helps the most with the anxiety is now the cause of same? (Sorry, I don't mean to be flippant)


Cheers re Lifeline. I have a mate that works on the phones...not sure I could do that, but the book store is a way to help and actually learn some stuff, too. And, of course, gets me out of the house

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Re: Good Morning!

Hey @StanD 🌺

book/reading thread sounds good 🙂

I think maybe even a book reading chatWee so all members could chat about their reading/where they’re up to in the particular book being discussed, etc, in real time 😀


what do you think @tyme @lavenderhaze @PizzaMondo  @Jynx ? 

Re: Good Morning!

I think a book thread is an awesome idea. 








 @tyme @lavenderhaze @PizzaMondo  @Jynx ? 

Re: Good Morning!


I don't read so much any more, but I think a book thread is a good idea