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Re: Good Morning!

Yeah @PeppyPatti 🙌🏻☺️🌺

it happened 🙂💜

I was really shocked, and that was why I asked the store attendant to read me the inscriptions inside the books.. just to make sure I wasn’t having a moment! 🌺

However, that’s not the strangest thing that’s ever happened hehe! ☺️

lovely picture of a massive ice cavern there, thank you for sharing these beautiful pics 😍🌺

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Re: Good Morning!

🤗🌺 @PeppyPatti 🤗

That’s a good idea to have them in a row, switching between them - I should make space to do something similar with the two straight stitchers so I don’t have to keep swapping them 🙂🙌🏻

Yeah, they fill up with lots of fluff! I would love to have compressed air to blow it out, but I just use an old disused pastry brush instead 🙂

That sounds nice making kids clothes ☺️💜

Embroidery stitches sound really decorative, as well as having a practical side 🙌🏻🙂

here’s some jeans I’ve made recently..


 they’re really baggy for comfort, and these I made some years ago for riding back and forth on my motorbike, like to work, or grocery shopping..


sorry my pics aren’t very good! I’m not much of a photographer! 🤭🌺

Re: Good Morning!

Thats so funny @Glisten   Explains why I can't fit in my home built doll house.. 😊  Hey @TAB .

cheers buddy.   Still got to go through mail, expect there will be another funny one there.

You know, I always have the same old arguments with the fishing inspector...


@Former-Member  SOLD   to the man in the 10 gallon hat.   Thats a beaut and amazing  story. To the party concerned you may think you don't have a bunch of stories in you.  But I still recon there's a book 

n sequel in you.  cheers mate.  


I better get back and tend to my   1.8 gram roast. . .          


Hey all..              tonys




Re: Good Morning!

Ha ha @tonys  yeah I should buy real estate from you , might cheaper for a few square centimetres..

Re: Good Morning!

@PeppyPatti   How sensationally awesome is that photo 🙌🏼❤️


Re: Good Morning!

They look awesome @Former-Member 


You are amazing. 🎉 Congratulations....



 mr Rocker took these photos. I'm very vulnerable I can feel my sister in law's behaviour stopping me from seeing my brother. I was telling my therapist I'm not imagining - she thinks my brother married my mum. 


I made two quilts one for my brother - this - and another for my niece. Mr Rocker said Helle tell my brother they are made with love. 

Why do family dynamics hurt so much ? 


I feel extremely isolated but I look forward to writing here. Your post reminded me that I'm not the only one that feels unheard. 




Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Glisten 

You mean the hole in the Ice ? I found it online. It's gorgeous isn't it ?? 


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Re: Good Morning!

Thanks heaps @PeppyPatti , I really appreciate that 🤗💜🌺

I don’t use patterns, I just have a rough design idea and then take my own measurements, which I transfer with chalk directly onto the fabric, and using those key points I then draw the line directly on the fabric where I’ll be snipping out the pieces. 
the newer pair (loose leg) have received a number of comments which have been positive, when I’ve been out at the doctors, which is really nice because it boosts my confidence wearing something so different from mainstream fashion 🙂🌺

Those pics are really great - I love the contrast between the monochrome borders and the colours of the squares, and I can also see the swirls of patterned stitches you’ve described! 😀🌺

I’m really sorry family dynamics are causing upset, it’s incredibly hard when things don’t work out right 😔💜

Mr Rocker is right in saying your lovely quilts are made with love, because in a way, this is a wonderful demonstration of care from you to them, which is rising above the isolation and a very nice way to reach out 🙂💜🌺

and I’m really glad to hear that being here helps! You’re definitely not alone 🤗🌺💜


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Re: Good Morning!

Aw, thanks @tonys .. maybe one day. 🌺

A bit of a hurdle is getting permission from others to talk about how circumstances are intertwined… imagine a Guy Ritchie production with all its twists and ever-more-complicated happenings as time goes on..😉

it’s probably a bit beyond me now, while there’s a couple of other things to sort out with ongoing study, etc 🙂🌺

hoping all is well in your neck of the woods ☺️

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Re: Good Morning!

A sleep in sounds nice to be honest @tonys 🌺☺️

Sounds like a surprise indeed to find a neighbour after lone solace in nature 🙂

I hope you do get to connect and hear those stories woven through the score of music, to gather those glimpses into a different life..these are those gems of the soul, isn’t it., being able to see moments of different lives, shared amongst us 🌺

Sounds like a very interesting experience on the farm, and playing at the local.. and seeing how interactions mixed with entertainment can grow environments for certain actions or behaviours in groups..I always used to wonder which direction the butterfly wings would entice the wind on evenings like those ☺️

I can almost hear the squeal of tyres and yells of encouragement within a distinctly variable, sub-volatile wild-wild-west-like atmosphere. 


The very nature of humanity is to always strive for mastery over one’s environment…if this wasn’t so, we wouldn’t have pushed the bounds of science, industry, and arts to the extent we have as a collective species ☺️🌺

This is interestingly played out in your post; the interesting bit is the why of what people do, that has always intrigued me, and how this can sometimes be very pliable, but also sometimes very rigid..depending a lot on someone’s motivations for their actions in different situations, and how their underpinning beliefs of justice in different situations applies (I may be entirely wrong - these are just the musings of an old lady hehe!). 
Looking through the glass, so to speak, shows much more than what’s just painted on the window pane 🙂

although that window is not always tint-free. 

And the gravitational pull towards certain kin (in terms of neighbours, hobbies, etc) is very much how we breakdown, and also form, our ‘fences’…mastering our environments to a point they become comfortable, keeping in what we like, and keeping out what we don’t. 
watching the drivers of this was something I did a lot when young, and saw how people were sometimes held captive to their patterns of attempting mastery in their environments, even when they weren’t the right ones for them (resulting in conflict of some form or other). 
Then, the Big Bang of fragmentation occurs. 
just like you’ve explained, and this is how I relate to that 🙂

I do enjoy a thinking chat - this is warming up brain cells that have been dormant for some time! 😊

I hope your day goes well 🙌🏻☺️🌺