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Re: Good Morning!

Re: Good Morning!

Remember my last experience with Ebay, But I recon you could do it @TAB ..  Just think maybe it might give some folks a lift, if they could sell or trade small things but still be anonyms. 

Mind you.  I would have to pay someone to take the few bits of crap I have. 

I always look for small painted or drawn pictures from unknows that give permission. that I can reproduce without copyright  issues.  Bet you could make fire tools and iron art. 

Funny the different and intricate things our minds delve into.  Well. Best I go.

Nite  @TAB  and eveyone


@StuF   Glad your friend, or was it sister,  was  "unscathed"   but must still be an emotional impact. I won't elaborate.   Take care mate.



Re: Good Morning!

I can forge stuff @tonys  but only have basic knowledge. doing blacksmithing at tafe was on a to-do list , then they got rid of it .

can still harden and soften steel.  and shape it after a fashion


Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Indeed @tonys .. I do remember one of my most earliest hypotheses was “what’s more reliable: an adult, or an engine?” That’s me in a nutshell as a little’un, right there hehe 😉 

Feel free to repurpose in any way you’d like 🌺☺️


Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the concept of ‘give and take’ was a well known social commodity? The usefulness of this would be far reaching, I’d hazard a guess 🙂

that’s an interesting conundrum regarding behaviour and ‘type’ of personality (I personally don’t ascribe personality to a type myself, considering that behaviour isn’t a direct indicator of personality, and by which both can be influenced by and influence situational and environmental constructs🙂)… 

there’s lots of debate about it, however I tend to take a different tendency is rather to focus on being a leader by example, by which people can observe without threat of conflicting goals or needs that often creates defensiveness and thus reinforcement of territorial behaviours, demonstrating how harmony works for me, and that anyone is welcome to join in 🙂🌺

Most times, I find the lack of implied conflict breaks down territorial reinforcement, and when people don’t feel threatened in any way, while having opportunities to observe someone do things without judgement and with a welcoming approach to harmony, they become more a curious being instead 🙂🌺

This is why I tend not to place too much weight in the commonly held beliefs around personality typing, because it’s just a bit too simplistic from what I understand of the world so far ☺️


I’m sorry you’ve had such a bad experience with neighbours. It sounded quite upsetting 💜🌺


I would wish that the poor hoarse doggy next to me could stop - they bark incessantly, with no respite. The lack of sufficient support from his owners leaves him with little learning opportunities for socialisation or skills in self control. Poor mite! 

Interestingly, here’s some info on the benefits of 40 hertz light/sound on the brain from MIT ..granted, they’re small studies, but they do show some promise for the application in therapeutic settings 🙂🌺

And I remember my dad (electrical engineer) setting up cancelling frequencies for us to get to sleep at night, when he noticed what particular sounds were waking us up as babies. Smart guy, very much a naturally logical thinker. A bit of tinkering with his equipment, without the need for too much other trouble or expense. One of my favourite toys as a toddler was his sound generator, which I would steal often and plug in in my brothers bedroom while hiding and surprising him with a bunch of weird noises 🙂🙌🏻

I’m sorry to hear you had such an encounter with someone and their car… that sounds really difficult.. 😔 I was hit and knocked into oncoming traffic by a speeding driver, off of my motorbike while stopping at a crossing, and gently I’ll say that I have some idea of how impressionable that experience is 💜🌺 the offending driver in my case was a 20-something female who was in a rush to get home to make dinner, so I was told, and saw me, but disregarded the impact of her actions…


Thoughtfulness and tolerance..very much qualities much appreciated by many, and worthy of nurture and sharing ☺️🌺

As always it’s most excellent to read your posts, and I hope you have a lovely evening 🙂🌺





Re: Good Morning!

@TAB Hi 🙂


Its sound like you're doing well. How is your health? What course are you doing? I'm still working same job. I have two dogs. Not sure if I mention I got a lab puppy in January. Milo my Frenchie is good. 


Do you have much on this week? I have two days off, but I have heaps to do at home and appointments. And also take the puppies to the beach. 


I went to the gym and pool last week. And I walk the puppies everyday and my job keeps me fit too. On my feet when I am working and walk quite a few steps on my shift. 


I hope you are well Tab. 

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @oceangirl that's good re job. I am doing Cert IV in Training and Assessment. Its one day a fortnight for most of this year. 5th session today I think .

That's good re dogs and your exercise. I haven't been doing much exercise lately. Just started walking again. Health is ok ish. specialist in Adelaide got me to do scans and still have some blood clots in my lungs, but they are not that fussed for whatever reason. Course was really busy first few weeks but didnt do much last 2 weeks, so hope it doesnt bite me. 

Thanks for saying Hi. am leaving for course in an hour. its 2hours drive.

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  Hi TABs good to see you. have a good day. and well done doing the course.

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @greenpea  and thanks. will be in car driving to course again this morning.

Re: Good Morning!

@TABs i hope your health improves.  really dont like the sound of blood clots in lungs .... as long as it is kept a eye on by specialists.

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @tonys 

Was my sister. Yeah, she's "ok" but it's gotta leave a mark