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Re: Gardening anyone?

Hey there @Oaktree 🙂🌺

thank you kindly, that’s really nice of you 💜🙂

I hope the pea seed planting goes well! 🙂

before my old neighbours moved away, they grew veggies in the back yard, which I used to water over the fence while they were at work on hot summer days, so they wouldn’t dry out too much.. I used a misting spray to keep them cooler. 
they used to reward me with some excellent cherry tomatoes, lettuce, chives, peas, zucchini, and these sweet chillies from a miniature tree they had. 

Re: Gardening anyone?

@Former-Member @Patches59 @Shaz51 @Hannelore @Jynx 


So I just planted out my pre-soaked pea seeds. I now need to soak my dwarf ones overnight to plant tomorrow. I didn’t want to get them mixed up. My Brussel sprouts are coming along nicely. I have quite a few left in little pots to give away or maybe grow in larger pots: Not sure really. I did promise a friend of mine a few plants.

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Re: Gardening anyone?

Sounds really lovely @Oaktree 🥰🌺

Gardening and producing food sounds like it’s a really nice thing you enjoy 😀💜🌺

Re: Gardening anyone?

@Oaktree @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Hannelore @Jynx I used to have a cherry plum tree growing in my front garden patch which I didn’t want, finally managed to cut it down and dig it up.


front of unit has no shelter from the sun and, even with drapes inside, the room gets quite hot at times.  Joys of Melbourne weather.


few days ago I bought a small Westringia to plant in the front, plant will grow approx 1.5 metres high.  I’ve been taking things easy last couple days due to stomach upset, been giving the ground good watering.  Hoping to plant the Westringia within next day or 2 plus some flowering plants I bought. Still working out layout of plants and solar powered fairy houses. Hoping another week or 2 and can finally have some nice flowers out the front

Re: Gardening anyone?



Sounds like it will look lovely once you get the plants all in. Happy gardening!


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Re: Gardening anyone?

Sounds like it’ll be lovely @Patches59 💜🙂🌺

Re: Gardening anyone?

Yes @Shaz51 Most Roses (not all) have a Fragrance.

Some strong, some just faint.

Enormous variation.

Modern hybridised roses are virtually nothing like (very little like) the original Species Roses, that they were bred from.

One of the Original Rose Species, Rosa foetida (persian yellow rose) - Has a horrible smell, apparently.

The flowers smell of Bed Bugs, not a nice fragrance at all.


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Re: Gardening anyone?

@Adge  @Shaz51  @Oaktree  @Jynx  @Patches59 

heres my baby Alocasia plants.. sorry the pic isn’t so good..I don’t balance very well ☺️🌺


Re: Gardening anyone?

The plant looks healthy @Former-Member 

I don’t do well with inside plants. 

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Re: Gardening anyone?

Thanks @Oaktree 🙌🏻☺️🌺

it’s doing really well with that pot that is self-watering, takes away the guesswork from me/forgetfulness to water! 