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Depressed to go out in the sun

  • I do this thing where I'm sad in the day, even if it's sunny out and I know I should soak up the sun, but I'm too sad to go out and too heavy because of how I don't have friends asking me to hang out etc. makes me too sad so I lack motivation to go out alone and tend to go out way later in the day as it becomes cold and dark, then I get a slight cold, hate myself for doing this, tell myself to never do it again, and then I do do it again and situation repeats ...I just told my mum how I feel about this and she made me feel worse by saying "yeah well you were on your phone the whole day yesterday"...I explained to her how I feel so I didn't appreciate that....anyway not so worried about my mum don't need help with that but more upset at my lack of enthusiasm and ability to just get out in the sun. Thanks..

Re: Depressed to go out in the sun

I wonder if you make yourself go out, will you feel better? @Anny101 . I read that it is so hard to get out right now. 


To be honest, my morning was a bit dismal, but after feeling the warmth of the sun, I'm feeling really goo right now.


Hope you can get out, but if you can't, that's also okay. Don't be too hard on yourself. All of us can only do what we can.

Re: Depressed to go out in the sun

@Anny101  I’m the same without my ADHD medication. Even then it is a struggle. Without medication I just want to sleep.


Re: Depressed to go out in the sun

Hi @Anny101 🙂

It sounds like things are pretty difficult your end right now - feeling heavy from the sadness and pain... I've been there, and when it's the colder months it definitely doesn't help either..

I'm wondering what it would look like to make a tiny little goal.. let's call it a game! (That's what I do, so it appears more fun than a chore :P) A little game where you have to find something .. this is a bit of a scavenger hunt, mixed with mindfulness and ultimately, getting out of the house to get some sun and move my body! Even for 5 minutes, I'll make a little plan to find a feather or a leaf that is multicoloured, has green, red and yellow for changing Autumn colours.

I know for a fact that a lack of Vitamin D in general contributes to our low moods.. I have to take Vitamin D tablets daily but when the sun is out I try my best to make the most of it because even 5 minutes in the sun boosts how I am feeling. Do you have a backyard/balcony or something? Maybe you don't even need to leave the home to begin with if the sun is shining there.. let it embrace your face for a few minutes, next time you can go back for more, and maybe it will become second nature... just an idea!

Also, you mentioned you don't have friends asking you to hang out, but I am wondering who's in your close circle who is there for support?

PizzaMondo 🙂

Re: Depressed to go out in the sun


Celebrating with you, that you already know that you feel better after you get into the sun early every day...and that you actually want to achieve this! that is a really good start in itself!


i know from firsthand experience how better my days are, when i get up early and go outside to soak up the morning sun.


i hear that you are depressed and feeling pain about not having friends to be with.

is that because they live away from you (hence being on phone all day) or that you havent found a way to meet new people where you live? i have moved five times in last two years so i know how hard it is to create a circle of friends. i moved into social housing a month ago and because it is long term, i have been going to different places to see where i fit in eg free drum circle at the beach, local choir, men's/women's shed, yoga class, free library events, volunteering etc 


what is it that you like doing?


@PizzaMondo love the idea to make a game out of going outside...with a challenge to find an unusual object. i so agree.... i have challenged myself to get up and watch sunrise every day (i just moved to the beach) and i succeed 5 or 6 out of 7 days...and i dont beat myself up if i am late or do something else instead. 

Re: Depressed to go out in the sun

@OM108 I love that you don't beat yourself up if you are late to watching the sunrise, it's like.. giving yourself grace. I can imagine how wonderful and calming it must be to be by the seaside now - are you a fan of cold swims too?!

Re: Depressed to go out in the sun



I think we can only succeed if we give ourself some grace...we all deserve a day off now and then. The practice of giving ourselves grace and unconditional love as we do our best....IS the healing.


Besides once I know how blessed i feel to witness the magnificence of creation every day as the sun rises over the ocean...there is no turning back!


That hasnt extended yet past a walk along the beach...not a place for swimming as there are rocks.





Re: Depressed to go out in the sun

I agree with you 100% @OM108
Grace and Unconditional Love = Healing!

I'm with you - I was able to go off grid on the weekend and watch the stars and moon illuminate the hills and the peaks of the trees, and I just thought to myself - this is perfect. This is beautiful, and I am so grateful to be here right now to be able to have this experience. It was so quiet and it allowed my racing mind to slow down too - just amazing!

Is this a picture you took? = Just, wow!

Re: Depressed to go out in the sun



Gratitude is the path to recovery.

Recognising and receiving the blessings is the miracle of being alive.


Yes i took that photo last week..200m from where i live on sunshine coast. Every day is unique and awe inspiring.


Another one from a couple of weeks ago...


@Anny101 even if you cant see sunrise in person, maybe these photos will give you a boost.



Re: Depressed to go out in the sun

Beautiful photo @OM108 - thank you for sharing with us.

And @Anny101 - if the sunrise doesn't do anything for you.. maybe these cute fluffballs I drove past on the weekend will 😛


Signing off for the evening now, goodnight all - rest well, have a nice warm meal and we'll speak again soon! 🙂