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Casual Contributor

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Hi everyone I'm new to this SANE site.....

Looking for like minded people with BPD or similar to interact with........


Re: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Hey @Panda2000 ,




BPD chats are totally up my alley. 


I struggled with BPD for many years. However, with support and therapy, I'm in a much better place.


I'm here if you need a chat. 


Anything in particular going on for you that you want to talk about?


You may also want to visit Raising Awareness of BPD - Flipping the Script 

Re: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Thanks Tyme...... Just these last few years have been an up and down rollercoaster for me, with COVID over us but now feeling the pinch of the interest rate hikes/ inflation of this year is making me on edge all the time as I'm renting ATM, making me go through out burst and mood swings.


And the people around me have to put up with it, even when I don't mean it.....




Re: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Ride my train lol @Panda2000 !



I've been crossing my fingers and toes that when I do a COVID test, I will be free of COVID (coz I have COVID atm), so I can go out on NYE....


Fat chance! I've just tested, and it's now a feint second line... so for the sake of the community, I have to stay home lol.


As for BPD, I'm hearing you. It's like the beauty snaps into the beast so it's this ongoing beauty and the beast game that people have to put up with.


But you know what? It's not that you do it on purpose. If it affects other people around you so much, imagine how much you are hurting INSIDE which is causing you to behave in these ways?


I remember when COVID first came around, and people were frantic, emotional, stressed out. My psychologist looked at me and said, "Is this how you feel ALL THE TIME?" I'm like, "Yep!" 


So, if only people knew how hard being a borderline is. Every word is a bump and can leave you wounded for hours.... if only people knew...

Re: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Exactly right... And  i personally need to see someone that specializes in this area.... Unfortunately it costs money which I don't have..... So this sight was the next best thing 

Re: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

The forums are for peer-to-peer conversations where people can share their thoughts and experiences. It doesn't really replace clinical interventions though. I thought I'd let you know. It can certainly complement recovery though @Panda2000 


For me, I was fortunate/unfortunate to get all my support from the public mental health system. Over a period of about 5 years, I was case managed and I was accepted to complete 18 months of intensive mentalisation-based therapy at Spectrum. That's a BPD specialist service in Melb. The therapy was an absolute Godsend, I I reckon that's why I'm here today. I used these forums at the same time to support my recovery and help me speak about my experiences. I've never paid for mental health services and this was through the public MH system. So that's the fortunate side of things.


The Unfortunate side of things is that all this happened only because I was on the brink of death. It was either invention with case management or be dead, 6ft under. 


Anyway, I'm here, alive and kicking to tell the story.


Have a look at The Australian BPD Foundation > newsletter and check out if there's anything in your area.


Spectrum run free psychoeducation sessions for those with BPD, but only for victorians.... not sure where you are.

Re: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

I might have to take your advice on that spectrum place in Melbourne as I too live in Victoria.......

Re: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

With the one day psychoeducation groups, you can apply through eventbrite. I haven't attended them so I'm not sure what it covers. I guess this is a start. 


With treatment options at Spectrum, unfortunately, unless you are case managed and you can prove that everything they have done has not been helpful, you are most likely unable to get into Spectrum @Panda2000 .  That's the sad reality. Considering each intake of 4 clients into MBT goes for 18months, they can only get a handful through each year.


Pretty much, if you are not case managed, then you won't even get your toe through the door.



I do what I can to advocate for those with BPD because I know first hand how hard it is to access treatment that works. So sad, but so true. 

Re: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Thanks tyme for the feedback 

Re: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

*waves* Hello! BPD individual here. Happy to interact and support each other 🙂 new to the forum. I should go write a post!