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Long term unemployment

Hi l  am feeling particularly down and worthless because l am  struggling to find work. I haven't worked since mid 2021 and have applied for 100 or so positions without success even tried disability employment providers and still no luck. It's soul destroying no one wants a relationship with a fauilure,  l don't have the financial capacity to go far because my car is worn out no social interaction with anyone. I don't know what else to do.


Re: Long term unemployment

Hey @john74, thank you for sharing your experiences with the community!


It sounds like you have been going through a tough time with looking for work and 100 applications sound like a lot of work. You are demonstrating your resilience in reaching out to your peers here on the Forums and it's brave to be vulnerable with people you don't know.


I was unemployed for several years too and I know how hard that was for me both financially and mentally. It can be very isolating and hard to get out to see people as you mentioned you are experiencing. 


The Forums are a great place to make friends and chat with other Members regularly. So please continue to share your story and I'm sure Members with have similar experience with you.


Take care



Re: Long term unemployment

I totally understand @john74 in the words of @TAB you need an “in”.

It’s always who you know.

Employment agencies have all been a waste of time for me.

I’m hoping that a different environment will give me new opportunities.


Re: Long term unemployment

no job search agency ever did anything positive for me , let alone got me a job @john74 

I have barely worked over the last 2-3 years. Medical issues. knees. weight. age.

Trying training again to try and get around it. ie get something less physical. 

Can I ask how old you are roughly ? what you employment skills are ? what your work history is ?

Can share tips and advice from 40 or so years of job avoiding, getting jobs etc etc

at least could help you get a car etc

guess your can't be that old or wouldnt be worrying about a social life lol 😎

..Balls in your court.

jobs come in all shapes and sizes. employers and HR think its a science , but I never had a problem getting jobs so much, it was keeping them lol, or knowing when to leave.

Talk soon if you like .

Re: Long term unemployment

@john74I spent a long time is the exact same position John.  It's soul destroying enough without all the stigma attached.  It doesn't help that the government at times can add to this making you feel even more worthless for being unemployed.  The amount you get paid while unemployed can be a massive barrier in itself.


I will start by saying use the job providers and for any resources and help they may provide, but don't expect any really help from them.  If you get real lucky, you may get someone who can really help, but they're rare because they don't seem to stay in those jobs very long before moving on.  I was using a disability provider as well, and it wasn't any better than the standard provider. 


I started to work my way out of it by doing volunteer work at a local community centre. This gave my social connection and most importantly a feeling of satisfaction that I was doing something to help the community, plus it looks much better on a resume than nothing.  Obviously age and having health barriers makes it even harder to get someone to take you on.  Before I got on the DSP earlier in the year, I was 50 in my early 50s, had health issues the limited what I could do and had been unemployed for a while... it's really hard to get anyone to take you on.  I even had an interview in a computer repair store... something I could do with my eyes closed and both hands behind my back.  My resume reflected this and is probably the reason I got an interview.  The main reason was probably the huge wage subsidy I would have attracted for a few months being with a disability provider.  The interview was a group one with 3 other... let's call them children.  Guess who they went with?  I'll give you a clue... they weren't even halfway to being in their 50s!  It's hard out there,  I try not to take it as personal, or a failure of mine, just the way the job market is now.  Experience and knowledge don't seem to count for much anymore.


So keep trying, try to find things to add to your resume.  If you're not getting interviews, look at updating your resume.  Even looking on online study to add to your resume may help as it shows willingness and determination. Tweak your resume to make it relevant for each job you apply for.  You may be better served by a resume listing achievements and outcomes with past positions rather than duties.  In your cover letter don't forget to address the employment gap... it will be noticed so you need to address it.  This is where volunteering, study can help a lot.  Anything you've done that has taught you things or given you experience in anything.


Try to network and get to know people in the area, ask around if there are any jobs.  The next time one comes up, they may thing of you.  Note that I hat that networking stuff so have never done it because it's just not something i'm comfortable or confident with, but everyone des recommend it so it may be more your thing than mine.


Good luck John, I wish you all the best and hope you find something soon.


Re: Long term unemployment

@Glisten yes l agree with employment agency's they promise to contact employers etc but fail to do what they say

Re: Long term unemployment

their business model is getting paid by govt through holding people on benefits hostage @john74  is someone happens to get a job, even if job place not involved, they get more $ from govt

Re: Long term unemployment

@MJG017 thanks the last three leads l had were local farmers who promised to ring me and arrange an interview guess what silence !

Re: Long term unemployment

farmers=white slavery @john74  you dodged a bullet there.

Re: Long term unemployment

@TAB l am 49 tes l have a lot of skills was a train driver and mechanical manager dairy farmer etc l have been promosed jobs in the rail industry before but it came to nothing. 

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