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Re: Loneliness

@PeppyPatti  you’re worried about your son and rightly so.

As my children became adults, I had to learn, it’s not about me.

The most difficult skill I have to exercise is holding space.

It’s my first time at doing life. I don’t have any advice.


Re: Loneliness

Hello @Bon_courage 😊


morning @PeppyPatti , @Glisten 

Re: Loneliness

Morning @Shaz51 

How are you today?

I learned something new yesterday (I went to an exhibition at the Australian Museum about Ancient Egyptian - Age of the pharaohs).

Ancient Egyptians apparently regarded every morning as a re-birth and an opportunity to start a fresh something new.

It kind of spoke to me - and created some positive anticipation about what today may bring.

Wishing you the best of days.


Re: Loneliness

Very interesting @Bon_courage 

It is a brand new day isn't it 


Re: Loneliness

Morning @Shaz51 @PeppyPatti @cloudcore Hello 👋🏼 @Bon_courage Is that the Bon = good?


@Shaz51  I’m off to the Men’s/Women’s Shed. I might look like a capable person, but I’m not really. 
This supervisor gig has knobs on it. I just want to be left alone with a pile of wood and make things.


I hope you have a good day ahead.



Not applicable

Re: Loneliness

catch you when you get back @tonys 🙂🌺

till then 😊


..always a path anew with each post you leave.. 🙂

Re: Loneliness

Dear @Bon_courage 


That's really cool for the exhibition to speak to you. 

I love that too. That every day is a rebirth -:a new day. Do I have that right ?? 



Re: Loneliness

Hello @Glisten 


Hope you have a nice day at the Shed. I've always wanted to join one - and one day I hopefully will. 

I'm curious about what projects you embark on there. You mentioned woodwork?


As for my profile name - yes bon (as good) - I think the expression "bon courage" is a French one and roughly translates as "be brave".

Re: Loneliness

Hello @PeppyPatti 

Yes, that is my understanding. 

I was really fascinated by all the different belief systems of the ancient Egyptians.

And seeing up close objects that were 4000 years old filled me with awe and oddly enough perhaps a sense of peace and continuity.

These were people not so different from ourselves, with similar aspirations and similar worries I feel.

Re: Loneliness

Dear Glisten, 








I'm getting inspiration from two or three messages here - 





Egyptian mythology 


Doing the extra mile 




Pretty much everything he writes 


I'm getting through. I had a meal with Mum, we have a meal with her every week, she is 82 years old and likes being sprightly. I heard of her new interference in my life  and even though was annoyed - I felt it all last night and I'm getting better so much better at handling it. 


I'm beginning to live the life I want to. 
