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Re: Cook Along

Oh, I’m sorry to hear that @Owlunar2 💜

Sometimes it’s not the recipe or the method, isn’t it. 
I never roasted chicken for around 15 years because I was cooking roast chicken for friends who were coming for dinner and my then partner took it from the oven before done and put it in the bin, because he was annoyed I wasn’t making him roast chicken every other night (I worked three jobs - one 45 hours a week and the other two were 15 hours each). The friends arrived to enjoy dinner but there was nothing to eat, and only me there to greet them. i couldn’t really go and grab something as an alternative because the house was on a property, an hour each way from the nearest groceries. I just didn’t feel like baking chicken after that. 
Eventually, the smell and activity of it became something I wanted to try again, so I did - and put that memory in the past, and turned baking into something enjoyable and very tasty ☺️🌺

I hope you can enjoy making lovely tasty treats free of any memories, whenever you like 🌺🙂💜

Re: Cook Along

HI @Former-Member 


I did enjoy reading your post - and I am sure we are not the only women with partners/husbands - whomever - who do not appreciate this side of our lives.


I laughed - I have enjoyed thinking about this - I cook simply and enjoy it - I have lived alone for well over 30 years - now my arthritic shoulder restricts what I will cook - but I cook what I want when I want and like it.


I could tell tales - I really could - I think his mother spoiled my ex rotten and I was not interested is enabling that. Now I laugh - after all - I also worked at 2 jobs and was studying part time at university back then. 


I actually like cooking - I would often spend all of Saturday shopping and cooking - I am not sure if anyone else enjoyed it - but I did


Thanks for that - I loved it


Re: Cook Along

@Oaktree mini quiches, yes please! I love quiche!

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Re: Cook Along

Hey there @Owlunar2 😀🌺

just loved reading your post - your positive sense of what makes you happy despite things that can diminish that really made me smile! 🙌🏻😊👌🏻

In fact, to carry on the Saturday tradition, I’m making one of my old fav’s, chicken and avocado sausage rolls, while listening to Luciano Pavarotti sing Nessun Dorma 💜🎶 

I hope your day is going well there 💜🙂🌺

Re: Cook Along

@Former-Member chicken and avocado sausage rolls? They sound A-MAZING!

I will have to make some....drool!

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Re: Cook Along

Finished product @Owlunar2  and @ENKELI 🙂🌺💜


I think I’ve posted the recipe at some stage here on the forum.. once I find it I’ll link it for you ENKELI 🤗🌺👌🏻


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Re: Cook Along

@ENKELI  here’s the recipe from page 15 of this thread ☺️🌺


PinkFlamingo’s sausage rolls… 


I hope you like them 💜😋

Re: Cook Along

Thanks @Former-Member, the recipe even sounds delicious. I'm putting the ingredients on my shopping list 💜🦩

Re: Cook Along

@Former-Member I swear I can smell them, they are making my mouth water 🍽

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Re: Cook Along

Aw, I really hope you like them @ENKELI 🥰🌺

They’re a subtle but enjoyable flavour, that tends to go with veg and light gravy or salad and sauce 🙂👌🏻

Please do feel free to post about what you think of them when you’re ready, if you’d like to ☺️💜