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Facts and or trivia

Firstly let me say I have tried to research the difference between facts and trivia, and can not find a definitive answer.  Secondly this is not stuff i know but stuff i have "found". Third I have tried my very best to make it interesting...but i find unusual stuff interesting. Lastly if i am wrong, let me just say what i say to my kids...i may be occasionally mistaken but i am rarely wrong 🙂

Let us begin: Australia was the second country in the world to give women the right to vote in 1902.

The only place in the world where you can still find the lung fish which is a living fossil from the Triassic period 350 million years ago.

And finally Who remembers what animal was on the 2 cent coin?



Re: Facts and or trivia

@simontemplar  Hey simontempler hmmmm without cheating and googling .... I agree with the voting for women and the lung fish ..... wasnt it a frill necked lizard on the 2c piece? 



Re: Facts and or trivia


Go Girl! @greenpea 

Smiley Happy



Re: Facts and or trivia

Re: Facts and or trivia

One should never google...and yes indeed ....was the frill necked lizard..interestingly it is still legal tender (as is the one cent coin) but only up to the sum of 20 cents...

Re: Facts and or trivia

What a cool thread @simontemplar 😁 I'm looking forward to reading around here.

I found this - all trivia is fact but not all facts would be considered trivia.

Fact = something that is true. Trivia = true information of little importance or value. Not widely known. Novel.

Maybe not definitive but I'm running with it!

Re: Facts and or trivia

Here is one you can try: Chewing gum while you cut an onion will help keep you from crying.

Re: Facts and or trivia


Re: Facts and or trivia

@simontemplar I believe history is fine but it's more important to put one's efforts into the urgent needs of today.


For this reason I propagate locally indigenous wildflowers for a revegetation project at my local bushland reserve. I don't want my local plant and animal species to go extinct while I sit on my hands & do nothing. I prefer to be active and effective in conserving local indigenous plants and animal species and endangered habitats. I like to "think global, act local".


Maybe you could think about being effective for a local cause rather than only using extinct species for interest/entertainment? Why not be effective? Us people with mental ilness (I have schizophrenia) can make a formidable, and more importantly effective, difference.

Re: Facts and or trivia

I knew there was a reason i liked pirates:

Pirates wore earrings because they believed it improved their eyesight.