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Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

My friend @Mazarita how Are you ? Don't worry honey ..... Your a little like me and I'm hoping that you know I have confidence in you. I was thinking about @Jamc and @chookmojo and I bought myself some flowers yesterday and at last after years and years of dreaming I think I've got a clear path for doing what I really want to so. I've upped my work by one job a fortnight ---- okay I'm working 3 hours per fortnight.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Thanks justanother47yr.

We are currently renovating so the place is a disaster area and not a good time for flowers but I will definately do this once it's done... hopefully in about a month the main living area will be finished.

I love choosing flowers!

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Thanks for your faith in me,@PeppiPatty 🙂 Fantastic that you are expanding your hours a little. I've been thinking about you too. How about I challenge you to also get out on the beach at some time before too long. Maybe take hubby and arlo? Just a thought for the right moment in time...

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Enjoy your challenge @Maritza on that husband going on the beach but can both you and me an Arlo ?
I don't think I can cope with medication change any longer :
Panic attacks
Can't sleep

And then the positives is I've told my mum off for making up stories of me for years
But shelle do something to mess that up and I'm nearing 50 years old

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Yes, let's go out for a beach walk. Woman Very Happy

Medication changes, yuck. Sounds like you know what needs to happen...

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

When !! I need respite now but doctor kept on saying ' you were on a really really high dose and it was really really high.

So now I gotta wait to see GP till Tuesday . Thank you for listening but I don't think that this cut down is working. It's been 2 or 3 weeks

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

@PeppiPatty I hope it all calms down for you before then. I'm up much later than I intended tonight too. I'll be talking to my psych about my recent med change in a couple of days too. Side effects are managable here for the most part I think but there are some problems, as usual with any med it seems...

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Me too
I'm just saying night night to @Former-Member
Night night to you too

( I'm getting my haircut tomorrow !! Going short ! The hairdresser is just a really cool dude I'm so excited !

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Night night, Anne Cat Happy

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Thank you I Somerset to hear this