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What to say to others

Hi Everyone,

I’ve been hibernating and hope you’re all doing ok.


I’d like some advise please.


I have ptsd, bipolar, general anxiety and am on the autism spectrum. I also have several physical issues, hidden disabilities. Both my mental and physical health impact my functioning and it’s hard to explain why a person in the late 40s can look fine and not be ok. I don’t like oversharing and try to avoid that, but sometimes I would just like to be able to tell people what I love with in just a few sentences. There’s so much stigma, even when I go to the doctors, I had a very offending interrogation at the GP last week and that dragged me down considerably. 

I’d just like to be able to explain in layman terms (and without making them read pamphlets) what is actually wrong with me. .

has anyone an idea? I’m upset because people asked me several times if I get angry and violent when I have mania. I’m upset because it’s says everywhere awareness for mental health is rising, but I don’t think that applies to complex mental illness.


I'm just tired of being sick. I don’t even know if I am sick and I don’t want to be sick. So often I blame my meds for making sick, and they are and I don’t want to take them anymore. And I don’t want to have to take them anymore.


any ideas how to explain ‘mental illness for dummies?


thank you x


Re: What to say to others

Wow @toodles are you asking how to communicate with your GP?

@Ru-bee has a link for a Mental Health Recovery Webinar // Working with your GP for optimal mental health care

Would that help?


Re: What to say to others

Hello @toodles 

Living with mental and physical health issues is challenging at the best of times,  when all we have to cope with is our own ill-health. It's so hard when all that other stuff comes up because people don't understand. 

Maybe your question comes in 3 parts.

  • How do we tell people what we live with, especially people important to us
  • How do we justify ourselves in the face of stigma and discrimination 
  • How can we explain what's wrong when we're asking for help because we're unwell

Sometimes factsheets or pamphlets are useful - not to give people but because they can suggest wording we can use ourselves.  If you google a condition you'll often find a big US medical clinic has a good explainer. There are also some good Australian  factsheets from government sponsored websites. SANE has factsheets too.  I'd avoid blogs and commercial sites selling products.

I hope that helps with questions 1 and 3.

How we justify ourselves when people are negative and antagonistic is a whole other question. IMHO all we can do is state our truth calmly and clearly.

Take care. It's nice to see you back.


Re: What to say to others

Morning @toodles 


I can feel the frustration in your words with no only being sick, but also being sick of the ignorance of some people.  Trying to explain yourself to people who have never experienced what you have can be draining, annoying and tiresome.  As @Dimity indicated factsheets and brochures have their uses, but telling the people we love is the hardest, we leave ourselves open and vulnerable.  All you can do is really tell it how it is, in a manner that you think the other person will understand.  All the very best.........Asgard

Re: What to say to others

Thanks for sharing @Asgard @Dimity @Glisten ,


Very powerful posts there.


How are you travelling @toodles ? How have things been going for you? Hope you are okay.


We'd love to hear from you if you are up to it.