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Buddhist Meditation

I've had an interest in Tibetan Buddhism for thirty years. I get into it for awhile and then I put it aside for a few years, and then I come back to it.


At the moment I am attending Buddhist meditation twice a week at a centre.  I also have a meditation corner set up in the corner of my living room with a cushion and little altar.  On the alter is a painting of Tara, a photograph of the Tibetan teacher, some beads, candle, orchid and a beautiful seashell.  Every morning when I first get up I sit there for twenty minutes.  Sometimes my mind wanders for the whole twenty minutes but I still persist.


I'm finding it so helpful to be doing this and I really recommend for anyone else like me who is filled with worries, and who ruminates all the time, and who obsessively thinks about things over and over, to learn to meditate.  It really helps.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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