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Travel and Mental Health Medications



I didn't know where to post this but I thought I might post it here. Hopefully I can get some help.


I am travelling away for about a month next week and haven't really thought ahead about medications. I'm going to the US which isn't all that bad with this stuff. I believe I will need a note from my psychiatrist and I'll take one from my pschologist.


In terms of medications, I can take some with me overseas.


Next year however, I will be going to Poland to live and work. I'm wondering what I should be doing about my medication situation.


I feel like travelling to Germany once a month might be better - I dunno why but I think the Germans are better with this stuff?

Anyway, I think that I'm just very nervous about it. Not knowing what I should do. Will I actually need a psychologist to chat to when I am there etc etc.


I kind of got caught up in the rest of it, now I'm wondering what I am meant to do.


I'm not panicing (yet) but I just need information about how to navigate it when I am overseas


Am I able to access SANE chat when I'm not in Aus?




Re: Travel and Mental Health Medications



I'm going to have to get back to you about your question about using the live chat and forum from overseas (short term for the month and or once you move away - which could be an issue) once I chat to one of the Community Managers. I hope to have some clear answers for you soon!



Re: Travel and Mental Health Medications

@MDT Hi Hamsolo01 it is an exciting time for you and also daunting I can imagine. What I would do is contact the embassies of where you will be visiting US and Poland(particularly Poland as you will be working there). They will be able to give you information on what you can and cannot do in their country. Also contact the Australian embassy. Don't worry you will not be the first person to be in this situation.


Did you know that you can talk to psychologists online 😄 so you wont have to worry necessarily about there being a language barrier when you are living in Poland as US has a few of these services. Love greenpea xxx

Re: Travel and Mental Health Medications



This might be of assistance to you (this link has general advice even if your Dx is not one that involves psychosis)

Re: Travel and Mental Health Medications

Thanks @Former-Member
That is a good advice link.

Yeh @greenpea I didn't think of online psychology. I see my psych tomorrow so I will raise it with him. The medical insurance my employer (potential) can give access to is an English speaking clinic. So that's all I need. Just for the medication side of things. If I can get an online psych maybe that might be a good thing for a time

Thanks @Former-Member

Re: Travel and Mental Health Medications

Interesting question.


I am going overseas in April 2019, I had such a hard time getting travel insurance with my MH diagnosis.   


I am getting my Psychiatrist to write a letter which lists my prescribed medication, and I'm taking the original boxes of medication, I have also emailed the embassy to double check their is no problems.