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Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

you are awesome my @Jacques 

glad to hear your mum is ok now , it must of been a bit worrying for her and you 

I have diabetes too 

my mum`s wound has finally healed after 14 weeks , but then yesterday she hurt her leg , so i have been dressing it ,and she does not want to go up to the hospital 

ohhh I hope you partner feels better soon xx

mr shaz know what you mean -- he saw someone in supercheap shop and he has not been back again 

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hello my @outlander HeartHeart

waiting for @Jacques picture 

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hey @Shaz51

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi @outlander my beautiful friend, lovely to speak again.


oh @Shaz51 im so sorry to hear your mum has hurt her leg. 


yes, i do the same as Mr Shaz, i will always avoid anywhere i see people i know. 


hugs  my friends. i have been reading your posts, just been to busy to post.



Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hope you @Jacques@outlander both sleep well tonight Heart

good night my friends xx

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis


Goodnight @Shaz51 😴

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

good night @outlander  and @Shaz51 

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hi @Jacques  fabulous that you have done a DIY carport. His is that new car of yours going?

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi @Former-Member thank you so so much, my new car is amazing, it still feels so surreal that i have it, im so so carful with it. im so overjoyed with it too 🙂

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

wow my awesome friend @Jacques , a carport and a car Heart

hello @Former-Member Heart