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Re: New diagnosis

Actually we had a break thru @ counselling last night, he realises hes been ill for many years & "gets" what I mean about being under treatment of an expert - you wouldn't let your GP treat your cancer. hes now heard the words mood stabiliser & can see that his mood is not stable. He has also heard he doesn't have to accept where he is as as good as it can get. His email me to me this morning said. Thank you for taking this terrible journey & seeing it through. i had no idea i had been affected for so long. I hear what you are saying. he also called to say hello. I need a 12 hour sleep & now he can start his journey.

Re: New diagnosis

Wonderful news Mrs C and @justanother47yr..beautiful support you have been providing to everyone on the journey...
Mrs C..sleep well..your hard work and Mr C's hard work is beginning to bear fruit...

Re: New diagnosis

MrsC your doing well.
Ille write to you how I feel short notes....
He is dialoging which you must feel is very positive. I think it is.

So... Could you a timely manner.....something like responding : ....
For example....' I appreciate your conversation to me. It's been difficult for me because I've felt alone but your email conversations. Have brought love in my heart.

example : my brother was under a lot of stress one year and I responded to him.....'why is your talk to me like a monologue not a dialogue ?

Do you understand what I'm writing ? If you feel it's a 'terrible journey' your best writing that it is and why your there. It feels the best thing to do is pinpointing something to keep up the dialogue, to keep up the conversation.

Your a strong lady. Positivity is the only way forward. I was a teenager in the early 80s and it wasn't about positivity then.
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Re: New diagnosis

Thank you JA47, you are keeping my spirits up! I have responded to him to basically let him know all is the same at this end, i love him & am here for him. I'm not changing anything or asking for anything until he has seen someone & changed medication +/- modd stabiliser, its such a relief knowing he will be off this medication soon, so hard watching him just get more irritable & angry & full of rage, poor darling. he thought that was a better place than where he had been so was prepared to live like that! I called today to say hello & he was napping in his office - sleeping means hes down not flying. We have counselling home work to go for a walk together on Sunday, thats plenty for now & we are now weekly therapy together again. Thank you too Sandy