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Re: I can’t cope

I like that this lego set is small so it's easier to hide, and I love that it allows you to ground yourself. Lego is fantastic like that ~ @Captain24

Okay, I am glad you took a breath there. Me too, let me recognise what I have to do next before I sign off for the day soon..

I hear you - it's better to just keep those things from them than having to deal with the wrath from their end. I absolutely get this, and I know that some of us have to do this in order to protect ourselves... but it doesn't make it any easier. Have you found a way to appear to be away for the next few hours, and would it be useful to take a few pieces of lego with you (for fidget purposes, like holding it to feel the ridges, etc.. just an idea if this is something that is helpful. I always have rings on so that's useful for me to stay grounded) to where you need to go at 7 (like you mentioned?)

Re: I can’t cope

I’ve let them think I’m on the way to work. I usually ring them while I’m driving but I just told them I was on the phone. @PizzaMondo @Jynx 


At 7 it’s just something on here that I’m not feeling confident about but I don’t like letting people down so I’ll put my feelings aside and do it. 

So I’m free until 7 just need to keep distracting myself until then

Im really craving a smoke right now too. 57 days.. I can’t break it now. 

Re: I can’t cope

I can imagine most folks joining tonight will be at least a little nervous @Captain24!! I'll be here in the bg, tyme will be there too, so we can both ensure you're well supported tonight 😊 


Ooh I know those feels, gets harder when stress pops up hey. Wow, 57 days, amazing!! You can make it, the cravings will pass eventually! I'm here rooting for ya! 

Re: I can’t cope

I hope you can join in @Captain24 but also see you have a lot on your plate it’s totally ok to skip this one
You won’t be letting anyone down you do what is best for you tonight

I am just putting my little crickets to bed and then looking forward to it

Re: I can’t cope

I’m scared I’m going to embarrass myself. It’s like the whole social phobia but online! @Jynx. It’s stupid. I’m stupid.


57 days you would think the cravings would stop! 😤😤😤😤😤😤

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 I promise you no one will be judging you as harshly as you judge yourself. And like...we can always delete posts! Just speak from the heart, take little breaks along the way, and let us know if you need anything. We gotchu 💜


@ArraDreaming aww little crickets!! So cute!! 

Re: I can’t cope

Thanks @ArraDreaming. I know how much you are looking forward to it. I will be there anxiety and all and do my best to support you and the cause close to your heart. 

Re: I can’t cope

Thanks @Jynx. It’s just ridiculous. It’s on line not in person. But my social phobia has gotten that bad that it feels the same. 

I will do it and push myself out of my comfort zone. 

Re: I can’t cope

Proud of you @Captain24

Re: I can’t cope

Proud of you too @Captain24! Outside the comfort zone is where growth happens 😊