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Holiday time - self care alphabet

Hi everyone πŸ‘‹


To continue with some holiday themed threads we thought it would be a nice to time to get some reminders happening about self care during this busy season. And why not make it fun - let's do a self care alphabet!


Going through the alphabet let's list a great self care tip, strategy, thought etc per letter. 


Starting with A


Hmmmm how about Acceptance? Accepting any chaos that comes at us can really help manage anxiety or panic. The more we fight feelings of stress the more stress we can sometimes bring. It can be helpful to recognise and accept the feelings that come up so you can then manage them. 

Any other A ideas or we can move to Bs?



Re: Holiday time - self care alphabet

affirmations : emotional support and encouragement πŸ™‚

Re: Holiday time - self care alphabet

B is for Breathe

Breathe. Controlling your breath through deep breathing is a powerful tool to manage stress and anxiety.

Re: Holiday time - self care alphabet


Re: Holiday time - self care alphabet

B is for Beauty

Let some beauty in your life.

Smiley Happy



Re: Holiday time - self care alphabet

@Appleblossom I was just going to put beauty. Look for something that looks beautiful, listen to beautiful music, make a beautiful picture etc

Re: Holiday time - self care alphabet

C can be for colouring in. Buy a book, print some pictures from the internet or do it online

Re: Holiday time - self care alphabet

@cutiepiekitty  Lovely. You know what they say ... about thinking alike ... lol



Re: Holiday time - self care alphabet

D = Dogs! Or pets/animals if you have any access to some. Animals can be so theraputic. Whether you get to cuddle up to your own pet, pat someone elses or even just notice wild life around you- it can be such a grounding experience!


With that in mind here is a picture of my girl Evie in her elf costume- hope this brings some smiles to all πŸ€— (while she doesn't look super impressed I can assure you we only had the outfit on her for a photo and she was given A LOT of treats for her patience hehehe) 



Re: Holiday time - self care alphabet



Envisage a great 2020 but also Enjoy some Christmas cheer, pampering, good if somewhat naughty food, company of people you like/love and four-legged & other friends, giving presents, sleeping in, carols, and remember laughter is contagious !